This is Jonah or Jonah Bug as we call him, my nephew. You would never know it with a smile like his that this little guy was born with a rare heart defect. When he was days old he had open heart surgery multiple times. He had a major hole in his heart that left him with out a fourth chamber. One of his arteries that carries the blood to the heart was also unable to function. It is just simply amazing how this little body learned to function in completely a different way then me and you, to help sustain life. The human body is AMAZING! Shortly after the first two of many surgeries to come, he developed Staff Infection where they then had to go and open him back up. There were many sleepless and scary nights. As the story continues his parents had some choices to make about his future care. They decided at 9 months they would fly to California for the surgery that would help construct his heart to hopefully function properly until he out grew synthetic tubes they would use to help him live. The odds were not the best but they felt that it was the best choice for Jonah.
They were gone for about 1 month. Leaving behind a 2yr. old daughter and family. Needless to say he had his surgery and the out come was great. He is on a Pacemaker that basically keeps his heart in rhythm and pumping right along. He will continue have his Pacemaker for the rest of his life. Unfortunately he as many more surgeries to come but his spirit and personality is catching. He lights up the room and blesses the lives of all who come in contact with him. When you see him you want to just squeeze him.
I am completely amazed by my Sis and Bro in law. They have amazing faith. I know that they have been blessed because of it. I love them and the example that they set for me and many others. This is one amazing Boy and I can't wait to see how he grows and touches so many lives. You can't help but fall in love with him.
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